Okay so do I have your attention and you are wondering what is this all about? I know that I have really put thought on this title because what God is doing in heart is amazing!
Being a mother of 4 who home schools, wife for 14 years lots gets all tangled up and mess up in our heads and hearts. I pray all the time for God to lead my path, show me where I need to grow or change and what areas I need to focus on or let go. This is something I pray for and long that I would live a life that pleases my Heavenly Father and no those around me.
The thing that you don't expect is that it will hurt! But God is our potter and we are the clay and as he molds us and removes the imperfections pain comes into our lives for a short moment.
I am learning that God is Enough…what does that mean? Well for me it means that when I am all alone tired and exhausted I don't need anybody but HIM. I have lived my whole life in shadows of people I love and respect and it has been so hard for me to find who I am but allowing God to be my all I am able to get out from under those shadows.
The process has not been easy I have discovered areas of obsessions and bondage as I try to hide the ugly that lies beneath me.
Jeremiah 8:18 says..My grief is beyond healing; my heart is broken.
I have discovered the loneliness of stepping away from people. Yet in it all I have discovered that God is my strong deliverer.
Psalms 140:7 says..O Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescues me, you protected me on the day of battle.
He comforts me when I have no place to go or hide… in all the little things and big things of my life.
2 Cor. 1:3 says…All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
He is my Peace!
Eph. 2:14 says …for Christ himself has brought peace to us!
I rest in knowing that through this transition he is my refuge and strength!
Psalms 46:1 says…God is my refuge and my strength
Psalms 46:10 says..Be still and know I am God!
I am who I am because of my salvation and to think who I could be without God humbles me each day!
I am learning to count my blessing one by one like the old hymn says.
This past week I have stopped wasting time and enjoying my family what I have discovered is that Joy is a decision that you make!
My family My BLESSINGS!!!May you be encourage but our Heavenly Father and his WORD today!
Blessed Much.....Jessie M.
Love your post! God is doing BIG things in your life right now. Love hearing about it!!!! And... LOVE YOU... for the amazing person GOD made you be!
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