Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Detour..... but back on track! Our God is faithful!!

I have been trying to catch up with life for the past 2 days and I have not done well !! Plus all of these unexpected things have happened and I feel burned out!
My wonderful son totally killed his laptop so we are in search for new curriculum to finish his 8th grade year!! I am trying to get my business together and get my school room organized that is a mess. Okay so what is God teaching me ??? To relax ...to take a deep breath...to slow down and listen to him! I think he is with all that has happened in the last days and my THEME of having FUN and making memories I think he is asking me to STOP!
So I did ! I stopped went to my room for 30 minutes and read a good book and I was encouraged and uplifted! I still have a messing room and lots to get done but my SPIRIT is one that is not anxious but peaceful knowing that all works for GODS purpose and that I will get all done and find the perfect curriculum for Angel to finish the year! I did have to give up co-op and I have to rethink our activities but I know that in the end all will be worked out!
Yes it is January the 5th and the 2nd day of the week and here I am at 5:07 pm in my jammies trying to get all done but I am so thankful that I did take timeout for rest!

Blessed much ......Jessie


Lissette said...

Well Jessie remember Gal. 6:9 it is true. Stay strong and courageous the Lord is at Hand.

Aychel said...
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