Monday, January 4, 2010

Fresh New Start

Outside my window.... bare trees and weather in the high tens

I am thankful for.... for a warm home and to be able to bundle up

I am remembering.... the cold winters in New York as a child and how I walked to school

I am going spend the day with my hubby and just have a relaxed day

I am ready ....for breakfast

I am be able to set my goals for the new year with my hubby today

On my mind...planning for the year: money, goals, projects and family vacation

I am wearing...jammies with my robe the house is real cold

I am reading...The Power of a Positive Woman

I am hearing....dogs

Noticing that......need to start breakfast

Pondering these words....Believe in God

From the learning day

From the Kitchen.......quiet

One of my favorite

Plan for the start school and start my business in jewelry

A thought .....Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends George Muller

Picture of the week: Our first born and the last born in our family!! Neat to see how Angel loves on Joseph.


Loren Fitzgerald said...

I love the picture. It so adorable how much Joseph enjoys being with Angel.

Lissette said...

Oh, they both melt my heart. Joseph reminds me so much of him and how much we enjoy both of them!

Tina said...

I love this.... THIS is what family is... it's what God had in mind when making siblings and cousins!