Our first winter storm for 2010 and it has been a blast! The preparations were not fun but we made it! Shopped for food and supplies and even got a great deal on craigslist for a Kerosene heater off craigslist! We filled the tub up with water and got ready for the storm. Saturday morning woke up to snow and a very cold day but that was not going to keep the boys in!! They ran outdoors with lots of layers and on to the 4-wheelers. These are the times I am so thankful for the land God has blessed us with and the neighborhood full of outdoor lovers. They were not the only once enjoying the snow and the great outdoors! The boys went out on the snow and I read and watched TV in my bed!! Sunday – No church but our pastor send us an outline of how to worship at home and we did!! How sweet it was to do this with my family! Then off to play in the snow and I even joined in the fun today! Which made their day? Okay I do look like a teen boy but so what I had lots of fun and made some great memories! So now I am off to bed and catching up on my bible study homework and off to stay in bed for the rest of the day! I love this weekend and thank God for allowing us to stay home for 2 whole days and enjoy time with my family! Enjoy all the pictures!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Snowed in for 2 whole days!
Posted by Jessie at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Revival in my heart!! God is ENOUGH!
Okay so do I have your attention and you are wondering what is this all about? I know that I have really put thought on this title because what God is doing in heart is amazing!
Being a mother of 4 who home schools, wife for 14 years lots gets all tangled up and mess up in our heads and hearts. I pray all the time for God to lead my path, show me where I need to grow or change and what areas I need to focus on or let go. This is something I pray for and long that I would live a life that pleases my Heavenly Father and no those around me.
The thing that you don't expect is that it will hurt! But God is our potter and we are the clay and as he molds us and removes the imperfections pain comes into our lives for a short moment.
I am learning that God is Enough…what does that mean? Well for me it means that when I am all alone tired and exhausted I don't need anybody but HIM. I have lived my whole life in shadows of people I love and respect and it has been so hard for me to find who I am but allowing God to be my all I am able to get out from under those shadows.
The process has not been easy I have discovered areas of obsessions and bondage as I try to hide the ugly that lies beneath me.
Jeremiah 8:18 says..My grief is beyond healing; my heart is broken.
I have discovered the loneliness of stepping away from people. Yet in it all I have discovered that God is my strong deliverer.
Psalms 140:7 says..O Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescues me, you protected me on the day of battle.
He comforts me when I have no place to go or hide… in all the little things and big things of my life.
2 Cor. 1:3 says…All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
He is my Peace!
Eph. 2:14 says …for Christ himself has brought peace to us!
I rest in knowing that through this transition he is my refuge and strength!
Psalms 46:1 says…God is my refuge and my strength
Psalms 46:10 says..Be still and know I am God!
I am who I am because of my salvation and to think who I could be without God humbles me each day!
I am learning to count my blessing one by one like the old hymn says.
This past week I have stopped wasting time and enjoying my family what I have discovered is that Joy is a decision that you make!
My family My BLESSINGS!!!May you be encourage but our Heavenly Father and his WORD today!
Blessed Much.....Jessie M.
Posted by Jessie at 4:10 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday what is on my mind......!
Fitness: Day 1 of 84
Workouts - DONE
Eats: All in place
Notes:Okay it is too cold here at NC temps were as low as 9 degree so no workout in the gym room!! I did get my workouts in at my home but I do enjoy my time alone at the gym.
Homeschooling: I changed up my schedule some with how I am teaching the kids. I need to buckle down on reading,phonics,spelling and writing. So I am teaching Justin exclusively from 9-11 then I move on to Jasmine from 11-12. I also added an extra writing curriculum for Angel and Jonathan. Today was a good day with Justin he is actually reading so much better than I thought! He has gone up 2 whole grades and is reading in beginner level for 3rd grade.YEAH!!
Jasmine is starting to read and understand her Phonics!! Thank you LORD!!
I am reading 1 book for enjoyment call the The Red Tent good read
1 spiritual book
1 encouragement book for homeschool mothers
1 marriage book- Love and Respect!
I am taking time off from 3 pm- 4 pm
I am not on the computer all day and wait until after 4:30 when dinner is cooking to get on and update my blog go on facebook, email replies, forums and web surf!
I am also having another personal challenge!! Growing out my hair! I would like to try long hair again without babies and young ones. With more time to do my hair and the fact that Jose my hubby likes long hair I will tackle this challenge for year 2010!
I will post monthly photos of my hair and complain about how I don't like it!
Photo #1 January
Blessed Much.....Jessie M
Posted by Jessie at 2:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
12 week challenge for 2010
I am big on fitness and for the past 5 years I have learned lots about how to get into shape and eating the best way for my body!
It all started with weight and a dress size. Then it switched to have no tummy...and today it is about being muscular and lean!
In 2007 I found the Eat-Clean Diet which changed my life completely! I learn to eat more and the correct way so I did change my body lots.
With time I have learned that in order to stay focus and continue to make changes I need to join challenges. I found a great website that has helped me stay balanced and continues to help me stay HEALTHY and Strong! I love to lift weights and to workout HARD! I am not a runner and will probably never be one but I am a weight lifter and I am proud of it! Give me some weights and hear me ROAR!
So for the next 12 wks I will share with you my journey and what I am learning and where I am struggling! One area I lack discipline is when it comes to treats! I love cookies and chocolate and when I eat one it is the beginning of my out of control sugar attack! So for the next 12 wks I will not eat SUGARY foods and I will focus on eating Clean foods only!
If you want to join me in this 12 week challenge let me know and we can do it together!
Hugs and lets ROCK this challenge!
Blessed Much .......Jessie M
Labels: Challenge 2010
Posted by Jessie at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Septic clean up! YUCK
Okay so my pipes were acting up and the last thing I need is for my sewer to back up so I made the call and had my sewer cleaned out! This is the first time ever and it was a special site! I have to say I hope these men get PAID because it is a Dirty Job!!
Here are some pics of our special day! The boys thought it was the coolest thing ever!Hmmm ...not sure but I guess he was the cook for the day! :-)
Posted by Jessie at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Making memories......Jake and our new puppy!
To think I am not a dog lover and here I am with 2 doggies! It is because my family love dogs. Jake belongs to Jasmine and Jitters to Jose it is a Blue Pit/Boxer Mix
Posted by Jessie at 3:10 PM 2 comments
How God knows my heart and answers my prayers...
It all started with my devotions this morning Psalms 17:6
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give eat to me and hear my prayer.
As you all know yesterday my 8th graders laptop completely died on us and we are having to rethink his school year. Do I purchase another laptop for or do we switch to books???? I went into a panic mode and got on to the homeschoolounge.com and asked my homeschool friends for suggestions....one of them told me to stop and pray..relax and breath...when things seem so crazy and out of control it is not a good time to make decisions. Okay I know this and yet I react and forget to ask God for HELP! So I did I stopped and I have been praying about it! I even retrieved to my room for alone time and did some spiritual reading and relaxed.
Today's devotion was on calling God before anyone else when something BIG happens okay again God with love and tenderness reminds me to go to him in times of PANIC.
Then I went on to reading this the Heart of the Matter online magazine article and it was a post that hit home and close to my heart! Read it for yourself http://heartofthematteronline.com/
The title is Heigh-HO! Mining Treasures in the 2010 by Leslie W
I could have not said it better!!
She came up with 10 things to make memories for 2010 and as you all know that is my GOAL for 2010 to make memories daily and in everything! So I will use her layout as my blueprint for 2010.
1.Plan- okay I do this but not when it comes to FUN
2.Practice-living in the moment.....I am only guaranteed today!
3.Preserve- journal about my days so that I can keep them forever!
4.Photograph- take daily pictures of my daily events even the ones that make me stress and I will laugh about them later!
5.Participate- I usually make an excuse for not going to Mom's Night Out, field trips, events. I will get out of my comfort zone and start building relationships with others and making memories with my kids.
6. Pray-Over my days and all my plans and allow the Lord to lead.
7.Pick it up- Have before bed clean ups and organize school books daily
8. Praise- Uplift my kids daily !
9.Play- Okay you know I DON'T do much of this and will do daily!
10.Pamper myself- I tend to put myself last but if I don't relax, rest and restore I burn out and take it out on my family. So this year I have a plan on making time for myself and get re-energized daily!
11.Exercise and Eat-Clean- 6 meals a day, gallon of water, green tea, supplements!
I love this list and will have in a print out form in front of me DAILY!
Every night I will journal about my day and ask myself:
Did I accomplished all on my list today?
How can I plan better for tomorrow?
Then I will evaluate the areas in my day that need work and pray over them and start all over.
Hope this uplifts your heart and leads you to walk closer to GOD!
Blessed Much....Jessie
Posted by Jessie at 5:26 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Detour..... but back on track! Our God is faithful!!
I have been trying to catch up with life for the past 2 days and I have not done well !! Plus all of these unexpected things have happened and I feel burned out!
My wonderful son totally killed his laptop so we are in search for new curriculum to finish his 8th grade year!! I am trying to get my business together and get my school room organized that is a mess. Okay so what is God teaching me ??? To relax ...to take a deep breath...to slow down and listen to him! I think he is with all that has happened in the last days and my THEME of having FUN and making memories I think he is asking me to STOP!
So I did ! I stopped went to my room for 30 minutes and read a good book and I was encouraged and uplifted! I still have a messing room and lots to get done but my SPIRIT is one that is not anxious but peaceful knowing that all works for GODS purpose and that I will get all done and find the perfect curriculum for Angel to finish the year! I did have to give up co-op and I have to rethink our activities but I know that in the end all will be worked out!
Yes it is January the 5th and the 2nd day of the week and here I am at 5:07 pm in my jammies trying to get all done but I am so thankful that I did take timeout for rest!
Blessed much ......Jessie
Posted by Jessie at 1:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Fresh New Start
Outside my window.... bare trees and weather in the high tens I am thankful for.... for a warm home and to be able to bundle up One of my favorite things....read Picture of the week: Our first born and the last born in our family!! Neat to see how Angel loves on Joseph.
I am remembering.... the cold winters in New York as a child and how I walked to school
I am going ...to spend the day with my hubby and just have a relaxed day
I am ready ....for breakfast
I am hoping.....to be able to set my goals for the new year with my hubby today
On my mind...planning for the year: money, goals, projects and family vacation
I am wearing...jammies with my robe the house is real cold
I am reading...The Power of a Positive Woman
I am hearing....dogs
Noticing that......need to start breakfast
Pondering these words....Believe in God
From the learning room.......off day
From the Kitchen.......quiet
Plan for the week......to start school and start my business in jewelry
A thought .....Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends George Muller
Posted by Jessie at 6:17 AM 3 comments