Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Should have been my Monday post…but here it is

Outside my window.... bare trees and gray day

I am thankful for.... my flexible schedule

I am remembering.... how there is so much I have to do.

I am going my devotions and have time to reflect on my day

I am ready workout right after my time with God

I am have a peaceful day and not feel

On my hard my mornings are due to the kids not waking up with a good attitude.

I am wearing...workout clothes

I am reading...many books...A women and Her God

I am hearing....Christmas music and yelling kids due to fighting

Noticing 8 year old is so selfish!

Pondering these words....Peace on Earth!

From the learning room.......they will all read for 1 hour today

From the Kitchen.......messy and just made a shake

One of my favorite a peaceful house

Plan for the start my business, get ready for our Family Christmas on Sunday

A Scripture thought .....Gal 6:9 ---OH how I have mediate on this verse and remind myself every hour.

Picture of the week…..


Penne said...

You are doing a great job with your blog!
LOVE your picture of the week!!! To see Omi is just a great reminder of God's blessings He showers on us!