I am excited for this New Year! I am starting this year with a new business in selling jewelry! I am also starting the year with a new set of mine……..FUN TIMES! Those who know me know that I am an organized, scheduled control freak and don't have much room for fun but this has been something that I have wanted to change for so long and tend to put aside! This is will be different with the help of GOD I will be making time for FUN! Things I will do this year! Scrapbook! I have done 2 albums but I have 100's of pictures that I want to put into scrapbooks to show off to family and friends. Outings with my kids individually – Having 4 kids make is so hard to actually do things alone especially for a homeschool mother who is ALWAYS with her kids. But I have noticed that they still need time with me just having fun and feeling special. Time with my husband….after 14 years of marriage and being together for 16 years it is getting harder to make time for us alone. Time with my sisters and friends…this I have already have been planning on Read, journal, laugh and relax! I will also continue to eat healthy and learn some new recipes. Join fitness challenges and continue to make changes in my body. So with all this in mind I will learn to enjoy the Life God has given me to live! I hope you have been able to reflect on what you have done this past year and what you would like to do this coming year! Happy New Year! Blessed Much ….. Jessie
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Year 2010
Posted by Jessie at 7:49 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas 2009
This Christmas I had ALL my family with us!
My mother, The Marchena family including Omi,The Fitzgeralds and The Wyatts. It has been over 3 years since we all were together for Christmas! Loren moved to Peru as a missionary, Edith and I moved to NC and Liz to Georgia, leaving mom all alone in Fl. I have to say that Christmas is by far the best holiday for me. I got saved in June of 1995 and since then Christmas took a new meaning for me!!! Every year I reflex on the life I once had and how the Lord wiped my sins today and I am able to live a life full of love,peace,hope,happiness and joy due to my Savior! I just love to make JESUS the focus of our family Christmas and to remember why we celebrate it!
Saying that here is a recap of our Christmas celebration!
Pictures of the sisters......
Mom,Grandmother and Mother in Law--- Where it all began!!
The Martinez Family (my family)
The Marchena FamilyThe Fitzgerald Family...baby Joey was sleeping.
The Wyatt Family
Fun pics of our day with the FAMILIA!!!
This year has been about adjustments and making memories! I am so bless to have sisters who not only share life with me but their faith in Jesus Christ!
Thank you for stopping by! Please feel free to comment on this post I love to hear from my friends!
Posted by Jessie at 6:34 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Should have been my Monday post…but here it is
Outside my window.... bare trees and gray day I am thankful for.... my flexible schedule One of my favorite things....is a peaceful house Picture of the week…..
I am remembering.... how there is so much I have to do.
I am going ...do my devotions and have time to reflect on my day
I am ready ....to workout right after my time with God
I am hoping.....to have a peaceful day and not feel
On my mind...how hard my mornings are due to the kids not waking up with a good attitude.
I am wearing...workout clothes
I am reading...many books...A women and Her God
I am hearing....Christmas music and yelling kids due to fighting
Noticing that......my 8 year old is so selfish!
Pondering these words....Peace on Earth!
From the learning room.......they will all read for 1 hour today
From the Kitchen.......messy and just made a shake
Plan for the week......to start my business, get ready for our Family Christmas on Sunday
A Scripture thought .....Gal 6:9 ---OH how I have mediate on this verse and remind myself every hour.
Posted by Jessie at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Weekend and making memories
This weekend my schedule was busy lots in the calendar. Starting with Thursday- Jewelry party at Edith's house( my sister) I met a set of Soul Friends that reminded me of my Friendship with my Soul Friend Tina! They know each other for over 20 years and enjoy each other so much! It is so neat to be able to met a set of ladies that have what I have with my Soul Friend Tina. Friday Went to a party for Jasmine's friend Olivia and had a good time of fellowship with some ladies from church. This was Jasmine's first birthday party since we moved churches. Saturday our great event! The Christmas Tea party! Jasmine invited her cousins- Isabell and Sabrina with 3 others girl friends. Sylvie, Cassady and Olivia. We had a blast and not only the girls but also the moms! Then off to a Parade downtown ....okay it was too cold for me! Sunday Justin performed in his first musical at Colonial. It was great he did such a great job and all the kids did wonderful!! So yes I am tired but rejoicing in all the memories we are making. I am off to bed we start our Christmas vacation tomorrow so we need to get the house clean and on with our family gatherings!! Blessed much……yours truly Jessie
Posted by Jessie at 6:01 PM 2 comments