Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home schooling ** Calling for prayer and ideas**

The only time I have a HUGE urge to blog is when my home schooling is getting to me....

So am I the only one that every other months doubts herself with questions like:

Are they learning?
Is this worth it ?
Am I just too paranoid?
Is this my calling?
Am I selfish?

I realized that many things effect the way I think about schooling and they are:

Well how can I put this nicely ??? TOM!!!!!!
How crazy my month has been and what is going on in our family life?
When was the last time I had time for myself??? ALONE!!!

So knowing this I have decided that I am not allowed to make any decisions until I have rested prayed and take some much needed time away from the kids!!

Then I will start my search for many answers!!

Here are some and if you are able to help please do!!!

How do I know my kids are learning?
How do I divide my time in 4??
How do I start teaching my 4 year old that wants to learn today?
How do I balance my time and life?
What is the best way to teach my kids?

I need to plan and think about our next year !

I need lots of ideas for my 4 year old and my 7 th year old

May your day be one that counts!!!


Lydia said...

Good questions... and at least you are so honest!! Sara M gave me a good idea as far as what to do about your 4 year old. When you are teaching your two middle boys, let your oldest read to her or try to teach her something, like starting her on basic math. It will teach HIM diligence and patience as well as allowing her to do "school" while you have some one-on-one with your other boys.

sara said...

Hi Friend! I had forgotten that I said I would try and find some stuff for Jasmine to use. I will look around and get some stuff together.

Homemomma said...

We all struggle with this question, but you know after visiting with m kids classroom and saw how they were learning, I KNEW I could do better than that, trust me they are learning, and alot, right now they are so young that we focus on the essentials, math and reading and the rest will come along, I just started this journey also so I know whatcha mean, feel free to contact me...