Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home schooling ** Calling for prayer and ideas**

The only time I have a HUGE urge to blog is when my home schooling is getting to me....

So am I the only one that every other months doubts herself with questions like:

Are they learning?
Is this worth it ?
Am I just too paranoid?
Is this my calling?
Am I selfish?

I realized that many things effect the way I think about schooling and they are:

Well how can I put this nicely ??? TOM!!!!!!
How crazy my month has been and what is going on in our family life?
When was the last time I had time for myself??? ALONE!!!

So knowing this I have decided that I am not allowed to make any decisions until I have rested prayed and take some much needed time away from the kids!!

Then I will start my search for many answers!!

Here are some and if you are able to help please do!!!

How do I know my kids are learning?
How do I divide my time in 4??
How do I start teaching my 4 year old that wants to learn today?
How do I balance my time and life?
What is the best way to teach my kids?

I need to plan and think about our next year !

I need lots of ideas for my 4 year old and my 7 th year old

May your day be one that counts!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My new Inspiration for the kitchen!!

I said I was going to start on projects and I was going to invite you in my journey will here it is:

Let me start with my New Paintings and Inspiration for my new kitchen!!

My GREAT friend Sara Mincy who is a GREAT Artist made these just for me!!!

I will be painting the kitchen with the colors that are in the paintings.
I am painting the table and all my cabinets.
Take a look at my before and my dream pictures !

This is my dream Kitchen and with Gods help and lots of work I should have it by the end of the summer! What do you think???

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am back !! With some great new deals and Update!

Went away to Fl for a week to spend time with my Great Best Friends!

The weather was so cold but the time was the best!

Here are the great finds I found in FL:

Apron only $4.99
An area rug for only $40 but had to return it too small for the house!
Plate for my wall $1.99 TJMaxx

Today I ran out with Hubby to Lowes and on the way there we stop by a garden store that is closing for business and EVERYTHING is 60% off and here are some of my finds:

I am so excited for Spring to be here so I can get all my decor out!!