Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! What a week !! We had a great week! Less work hours and more time with the kids!!!

Oh how blessed I am to have more time to do things around the house and get all that needs to be done and have extra time to spend with the kids!

This year my goal is to be a more hands on mother! I want to share time with them in the things they enjoy the most....

So I have started playing Playstation with them! They have this neat game which is Pack-man but in a land like Mario Brothers -- LOVE IT !! It is so neat to see how excited the kids are that I am actually playing with them! I have also rode on their new 4-wheeler and they also thought I was SUPER cool!!!

Educational Wise:

I am reading with Justin everyday and I am reading out loud to them as much as possible... I am also teaching them how to follow a schedule and be responsible...
I started using this cool software that prints out all the school assignments for the day and this has helped us keep in track! We also have been able to grade all school work!

So it has been a great week and I am thankful for how God is so good to allow for me to spend more time with the kids and less working!

I will try to blog weekly until I can blog daily again!


sara said...

So happy for you, Jessie! How fun to spend time with them doing what they like! Hope you are feeling better!

Lydia said...

Missed you yesterday! Glad you updated your blog...I like keeping up with my girlfriends:) Have a WONDERFUL "hands-on" week!

Unknown said...

Sorry you've been sick. And your kids are ready for you to get your voice back! I thought that was funny...Jonathan said he was tired of all those notes! But I did enjoy my time with Jasmine after church last night. She actually wanted to be read to and surprised me by not only picking out a big book but she sat still for all of it!