Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ladies Retreat-Virginia Beach

We went to Virginia Beach for CBC ladies retreat. This is Edith and my first year and it was a blast!!! Here are some pictures of our Crazy group.

Before our ride to Colonial Baptist Church in Va. Beach
Car #1- Sara, Anita, Rhonda and Edith

Car #2 Denise,Carmela, Candace Mary Lou and Nancy(driver)

Car#3 Amy, Stoney,Olivia, Michelle and ME

The Organizers Michelle and Nancy just before we left First stop dinner at a Seafood restaurant - Just imagine all of us in a very small restaurant!!!

Our first session with Holly Straton from Hillsdale Baptist - small world!!!

Nancy's room sharing sometime together and a short devotional by NancyDay 2 right before lunch in the lobby
We all had too much fun!!

During lunch trying to catch Nancy off guard eating lunch!!

Our time was so wonderful and encouraging. We were able to get to know each other better and make good friends. We all united in our passion to grow in the Lord. I was so blessed by Holly Straton and her message in getting closer to God.


Loren Fitzgerald said...

Looks like lots of fun!
Wish I could have gone with ya'll.

Love you

PS Edith you look great! Seems like NC was the place for you.