The speaker was amazing she spoke about Grace and how to get it. I just learned so much about my God. I refreshed myself spiritually and had lots of girl time. I just realized that I missed my sisters so much. How great is to be with them and laugh and cry and just be together. The last Sunday at Hillsdale right before my move we sang God make no mistakes and yesterday again we sang God makes no mistakes. I truly know that NC is the place for my family but it is so hard for me to walk away from all the people I love. Not only my sisters but all my special friends and spiritual mentors. I am so excited to have found a church like CBC Pastor Knight and Nancy are so well known and loved by many and to be in a church that the pastor is known as a Strong Godly man of God with a BIG heart just makes me rejoice to know it was all Gods plan. I know that it will not take long to make special friends and mentors in CBC because of how God has planned it all out. Thank you to all at Hillsdale for making me feel part of you all. I love you all so much.
GOD Bless
Wow! Edith is looking really thin. Way to go little sis!!
Love you
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