We are back and it was a wonderful experience- To see the mountains and be able to see the beauty of God was so refreshing. My kids loved the mini vacation they swam and fished everyday and I thank Steve and Candace for including them like one of their kids. It was 9 kids and 3 adults and we had so much order that you would have had to be there to understand. Here are the pictures of where we stayed and what the kids did.
Here they are fishing and they all caught a fish at least if not more- Let me thank Steve he was so kind to be out with them hours unhooking fish as they all took turns including me at times. It was so neat to be around a family that is so loving. We are so blessed to have found new friends in NC. Thank you Anderson Family you are truly an example of a christian loving home.
Candace made us homemade breakfast on Sunday!!
Jessie! It looks like you had SUCH a good time! I really you in Jasmine's pool picture!!! How sweet! :)
Love you lots and can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Looks like a great time! Glad you could go!
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