Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Forgiveness good for your heart and soul

Have you ever had stored bitterness about someone or something that you thought didn't affect you? But if you said the person's name or saw them your skin crawled. If you spoke about the subject you wanted to scream.

Well that is what I have been experiencing lately.......so with prayer and time in the word this is what the Lord has done for me.

9/27/11- The beginning of healing......

Hebrews 12:14-17

Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. 
See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble , and by it many defiled;
that there be no immoral or godles person like Esau, who sold  his own  birthright for a single meal.
For you know that even afterwards,when  he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for  he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.

***When we won't forgive it causes pain and hurt to me and others. Verse 15***

Why is so hard to forgive???  Because of Pride and the right I think I have for being upset and angry! But in reality it is not my right for vengeance is of the Lord. I have to remember I have been called to love like Jesus and give grace just as the Lord has given me grace. 

Does this mean we continue to let people hurt us? No it means that in love we speak the truth and deal with our hearts immediately.

Ephesians 4:29 says not to let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what will benefit others.  However, when we are bitter, the first words out of our mouth are usually bitter, hateful words about the person who hurt us.

May the Lord continue to work in my life and heart daily. May I focus on the Cross and not myself and forgive just like he has forgiven me.


Thank you for your word that heals and restores. May I forgive and let go of all this bitterness just as you have forgiven us. May I be a light and not a cloud of evil that spreads out to others. 
May I love like you love and live like Christ daily.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Going to the Cross for answers

Sometimes making a decision is easier than you think if we bring it to the CROSS.

That is what Jose and I did last night and God gave us clarity even thou it is not an easy route.

Psalm 4:5 

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the Lord.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back home and tackling my little life...

One thing I realized from my trip to Florida is that there are friends that stay with you wherever you go. Moving to NC in 2007 was a decision that Jose and I made for our family. I left behind my 2 Best friends but what I didn't know was that moving was going to make our friendships so much more special. Our time together is so special and I cherish our friendship each day. To have friends in your life that love you and know you is a gift from God. 

So to Tina till next time....can't wait to shop, laugh,cry and love each other.

To Jeanine till January when we get to have a weekend to ourselves and enjoy time together.

Love you sweet friends!!!

Just me, 

Last day of vacation

Daddys with the Kids at the pools
Sunset at the beach

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another great day with the kids

Our day started with an art craft that Jasmine purchased to do with Rebecca...Thank God for Jonathan and the wiliness of helping the girls. Messy stuff
Shortly after we loaded up the kids and went to a pool with a huge slide and some fun water activities.

Then the girls did their nails with some nail art
How cute!!!
Had to add this cute picture of my handsome son with Tina's sunglasses....Isn't he so cute?
The project is done and lots of smiles
It is time to settle down for the night.

Thankful the day was full of fun and memories

Funny pictures of the kids and our outings

Florida Vacation 2011 a blessing to all of us!

God allowed us to come visit our Best-friends in Florida for a time of Rest and FUN in the SUN.

Fun in the Sun at the pools!

Fun Playing
Putt Putt Golf

Tina holding drinks and I'm taking pictures

Our day ended up so sweet making great memories forever!