Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Sunday

This Easter was a different one for us our families were split between Fl,Peru and NC. We did rejoice in knowing we are all where the Lord wants us to be and in His will.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday March 15th Easter Egg Hunt

This was the kids first church egg hunt and they had such a great time-- They did not care it rained!

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Big HIGH--- Clean toliets

Since I moved I have had a hard time cleaning my toilets they were orange rusty yellow - awful and yucky I was always so embarrassed to have people over-- Well Michelle Eberhart told me about the earth stone so I bought the stone after 10 different products and it WORKED take a look at my clean toilets!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13th- A day to REJOICE!

Hello to all my special readers........I miss so much updating my blog daily but I am so busy and have very little time to write and post. I also had a 10days without a computer and it took me about a week to catch up. Today is a Special day Justin my 6 year baby boy received the Lord as his personal savior. We were doing his daily Patch the pirate devotions and we discussed what the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit meant and that lead to the plan of salvation. I do things here a little different now days - I work and home school at the same time- It works so well because I stay in one place which is my office! You know I am so hyper and need to do more than one thing at a time. Well after my first call for the day I started to do the daily devotions and I was lead to talk about salvation and explain it to him in detail. What is wonderful is how we are so close to Easter and we discussed the reason we celebrate it by the end of the story I asked him if he was saved and he said no and then I asked him if he thought he needed salvation and he proceeded to explain to me that we all do.Then I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and ask God into his heart and he said yes. PRAISE the LORD!!!!! I was in tears by the end of the prayer I have been praying for his salvation for about a year and was blessed to lead my baby boy to the Lord!!!

Well that was our HIGH for the day-our LOW was a HUGE leak in our kitchen that went thru to our office right by the computers. Well we spend about 1 hour or so tearing the carpet out and cleaning the mess. Thank God Jose was home just imagine this with him at work and I have my monthly Moms Night Out tonight. Take a look at my messy office !

Our Windy shopping day!

Our Saturday tradition........

In our family we have a Saturday tradition- Daddy (Jose) makes breakfast for dinner. This has been going on for many..... years due to him working on Saturday mornings..... Take a look at the special treats he makes for us! We all think it is better than IHOP ----

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our Chubby baby girl

We are all so excited to see Sabrina getting so chubby plus growing.

Ladies Retreat-Virginia Beach

We went to Virginia Beach for CBC ladies retreat. This is Edith and my first year and it was a blast!!! Here are some pictures of our Crazy group.

Before our ride to Colonial Baptist Church in Va. Beach
Car #1- Sara, Anita, Rhonda and Edith

Car #2 Denise,Carmela, Candace Mary Lou and Nancy(driver)

Car#3 Amy, Stoney,Olivia, Michelle and ME

The Organizers Michelle and Nancy just before we left First stop dinner at a Seafood restaurant - Just imagine all of us in a very small restaurant!!!

Our first session with Holly Straton from Hillsdale Baptist - small world!!!

Nancy's room sharing sometime together and a short devotional by NancyDay 2 right before lunch in the lobby
We all had too much fun!!

During lunch trying to catch Nancy off guard eating lunch!!

Our time was so wonderful and encouraging. We were able to get to know each other better and make good friends. We all united in our passion to grow in the Lord. I was so blessed by Holly Straton and her message in getting closer to God.